Day 13 of 31: Post Road Pumpkin Ale

Hello There!

I know what you all are thinking right now. Suz! It’s not Saturday! Why on earth are you writing a Day 13 Pumpkin ale post when OBVIOUSLY it’s Monday? Because Saturday:


Yes. There was yet ANOTHER beerfest to attend, and I’ll be damned if I was going to skip an October Beerfest because I was “sleepy” and needed to do “laundry”. Eff that. So I packed up my metro card, got my shades on, and partied like I was in a developing part of DC. How was it, you ask?

1. Vague

2. Sunny

3. Don’t remember

But thanks to the generosity of friends, I managed to eat more Mexican food and have a lovely time. Another plus of starting a massive beerfest at 12pm? Passing out during the dinner time and waking up so disoriented that you cannot even properly IMAGINE what day it is.

Around 6PM

So anyways, I got what I deserved blah blah blah (hello cut on my chin. WHERE DID I GET YOU?). And so now I will have to double post for two days to catch back up to my 31 days of joy.

Tonight I am drinking Post Road Pumpkin Ale! Brewed by Brooklyn Brewery in California (jokes).  My thoughts? Kinda tastes like shit. Watery and generally not good. Barely taste the pumpkin spices and it reminds me strongly of the Shock Top Pumpkin Wheat.  I was just very disappointed.

not good enough

Eh. Anyways, I give this pumpkin ale:

like the label though

5 out of 10 pumpkins. I guess I’m not feeling mean enough to give it at 3, but it in no way deserves 5 fantastic pumpkins. NO WAY. The label was cool and I like the name Post Road Pumpkin Ale, but I don’t really like anything else about it.

Anyhoodles, I am going to go and attempt to finish this POS of a pumpkin ale, and then open a new one, because I am two days behind. Mother of Pearl, procrastination is not for the faint of liver. Or those who are sleepy (I’m not don’t worry about it at all).

Mondays, Am I Right?





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