Day 14 of 31:Stegmaier Pumpkin Ale

Hello Again!

It’s been ages since we were last here, about 5 whole minutes. Enough time for me to eat a large amount of Kettle Korn and make some Garbanzo beans in the microwave. Food of the 47% I tell you. Full of fiber and sugar.

Stanley the Manley knows whats up

So since we are doing some time-traveling back to Sunday (yesterday) I shall write as though I am living on that day. Fun Fact: if you pass out at 8pm? You wake up way more refreshed and energized than if you do not do that. I mean I wasn’t so enthused with life that I was going to go on an exercise bender or something, hells to the no. But if I sat very still and didn’t move and had the AC turned up full blast, death wasn’t my first thought.


Sunday was a good day, as in the opposite of Saturday in that I remember all the things that happened. There was some football watching (RGIII) and some PUMPKIN PATCHING. There is a delightful pumpkin farm in Centreville, VA known as Cox Farms, where they have a Corn maze and some slides and other things that are the crack cocaine of 5 year olds.

3 words: Goat Petting Zoo.

My dear roommate Shady McSkinntyon and a former WM swimming alum Jersey Von DolphinTat accompanied me (drove me) to the pumpkin patch. It was lovely, lots of screaming babaies and ample places to take all new Facebook profile pics. Because thats the only reason I even TAKE photos anymore, you know?

Anyhoodley do, at the pumpkin farm where I purchased a huge bag of Kettle Korn, some apple cider, and one $17 pumpkin. So it was a good day of purchases, even though a BETTER day of purchases would be when people give you all of the things for free. One day….

Look at all the fucks I give!

But man oh MAN was the apple cider good. Like really really good. I loved it. Kettle Korn was ok, I’ve had better (aka more sugar). But all in all fantastic way to spend my afternoon. Unlike Felix Baumgartner…

So he had the best Sunday then. Story topper.

Like my GOD. He jumped from SPACE and landed on EARTH. Sweet jesus science, ballsy. But whatever I’m actually not jealous at all, because I literally never want to go 1. Into Space 2. Jump from space back to Earth.

My pumpkin ale of choice tonight is a recent acquisition: Stegmaier Pumpkin Ale! My recent I mean that I bought it on Sunday after the pumpkin patch as an impulse purchase. Go Total Wine!! It’s the mecca of Northern Virginia. An entire store filled strictly with wines and different beers and snacks and LOVE. The best.


Anyways, back to Stegmaier Pumpkin Ale.

It was nice and light, with a spicy flavor but not too overwhelming. A lil bit underwhelming to be honest, after having a Blue Moon and others I really think the key for my pumpkin ales will be the spice to water ratio. But it could have been worse, and since it was my second pumpkin ale of the evening, I’m inclined to be more leinent with my scoring.

I give this pumpkin ale 6 out of 10 pumpkins.  It wasn’t what I expect a tier 1 pumpkin ale to be, all frothy spicy pumpkiny goodness (soon) but not as watery as some other beers I’ve downed (here’s looking at you, post road).

Welp, now I’m almost almost caught up, just another double tomorrow and I’ll be good to go. Until another weekend happens…





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