Day 18 of 31: Wolaver’s Pumpkin Ale

Hello There!

Big news over here in pumpkin ale land! After a painstaking amount of research involving an inordinate number of grocery stores, liquor stores, and too many Total Wine’s;I believe that I have found MORE THAN 31 pumpkin ales. You read that right, there will hopefully be MORE pumpkin ales than days in October. If only I got a paycheck for every beer I drank this month…dreams. Of death.


This evening’s pumpkin ale of choice is Wolaver’s Pumpkin Ale. Brewed with real Vermont Pumpkins, so you KNOW this beer doesn’t like it’s women in binders and believes that Rachel Maddow is a paragon of reason and sense.

It’s fine.

Any hoodley do,  Wolaver’s Pumpkin Ale is pretty adorable, tinged with some spices but not enough to make me gag. It’s not too hoppy and yet it’s filled with a delightful aroma that makes me think PUMPKIN PIE and THANKSGIVING and awful racist family jokes and so so much cranberry sauce. Am I being too nice on this? Perhaps, but then again, I am drinking it at 11:50 PM wearing my pajamas and 7 glow necklaces – courtesy of Schmolly Le Africa.

Basically my Friday night. And we danced in front of fireworks…awkward

So for Wolavers Pumpkin Ale I give it 8.32 out of 10 pumpkins. Because I AM SORRY I CANNOT JUSTIFY GIVING IT A NINE OK. Bear with me here people, we are only 18 (technically 19) days into this, so in the 20s I am confident the scores will sharply rise.

He’s like “what’s up? I’m a farmer.”

Alrighty, I’m peacing out due to an exciting adventure at Busch Gardens tomorrow! Bring it on Thrilliamsburg, hit me with your best shot! Seriously though, don’t mess it up.


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