Whatever All the days I’ve missed (DEBATE NIGHT): Long Trail Pumpkin Ale + Weyerbacher Imperial Pumpkin Ale

Hello There!

So yeah. I’ve missed a couple of days. I would say I’m sorry, but I’ve been just the most busy of people these long weekends of October. Let’s give a rundown of my Halloweekends (see what I did there? It’s called “being awesome with words”)

First Weekend: Fredericksburg Oktoberfest

Second Weekend: Arlington Oktoberfest

Third Weekend: Busch Gardens

Upcoming Fourth Weekend: I get a door.


In summary: I will be needing to double up on these next coming days, to get back to my schedule so that I can get to 10/31 without looking like a total loser. Or twamp, whatever. Also tonight is the last and final Presidential Debate. A couple of words on this matter: PRAISE THE SWEET BABY JESUS. I mean I love a good fight between athletic older men wearing different colored ties as the next American but enough is enough. Let’s do this again sometime never ever (until it’s Hillary v. Sarah Palin, then by all means let’s have a seven year campaign cycle).

Countdown for Golden Globes starts a week ago.

Tonight’s a two pumpkin ale night, starting off with Long Trail Pumpkin Ale, brewed by Long Trail Brewing Company based in Vermont (love to drink those guys). To be completely honest and fair, I have a deep deep love of Long Trail Belgian White and I think it is one of my top 5 favorite beers to drink on the regular (reg). So going into this I knew, just KNEW that I would like it.

Not in the slightest.

But omg, OH M G, did NOT expect this level of awesomeness. I’m talking season 2 Grey’s Anatomy, Season 3 Parks and Rec, Season 1 finale of LOST awesomeness. It is sweet but not too much so, it has hint of pumpkins  but not too much, it has hints of spices but not too much; the only fault that I can find is that it’s only 8% alcohol by volume.

come back to snl please thanks

It’s just that…this beer has a bear on the label. A bear that is farming for pumpkins. So right there if that doesn’t get you then God I don’t even know what will.

I give this beer: 9 out of 10 pumpkins. YES YES YES the first 9!! Brilliant! Everyone rejoice!

You sound like you’re from LONDON

Next up we have Weyerbacher Imperial Pumpkin Ale brewed by Weyerbacher Brewing Company. (side note: debate is still going on and Mr Sassy is NOT pleased). As I’m drinking it with Schmolly Le Africa and PartyinEnspants I understand and appreciate the spiciness of this beer. It’s not my ABSOLUTE favorite but it’s no Shock Top levels of awfulness. It’s so spicy that on the label it named all of the spices it put into the beer, which I find to be a refreshing level of honesty. I can handle the truth just fine, Jack Nicholson.

So attractive.

So for this beer, I shall rate it a 8.77 out of 10 pumpkins. As I drink this beer I am liking it more and more. If I had a six pack and the entire first season of Homeland I bet I would drink them all and be really really pleased about it. AMERICA! (debate is almost over, I’m getting in the mood).




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