Day 23 of 31: Unita Punk’n Ale

Hello There!

This is my first morning post, and before you say no! Don’t start drinking pumpkin ales before 8 AM, fear not. I drank my Unita Punk’n Ale last night, but was much too exhausted to write about it. Moving apartments is way more tiring when have more than one box of clothes.


So even though technically I’m a couple of hours off from when I actually imbibed Unita Punk’n Ale, whatever. YOLO right?

Anyways, the bottle of a Unita Punk’n Ale AND the name are actually probably some of the neatest of all the beers I’ve collected.

So the bottle gets points for being minimalist and misspelling the easy to spell word of “Pumpkin”. And fun fact on the top it says “Earth, Wind, and Beer”. Genius. So the beer itself was a little more spicy without the full flavor of pumpkin like I was anticipating, which greatly disappointed me. Especially since having two rockstars the other day in Long Trail and Weyerbacher I really felt as though I was hitting my groove in finding new beers. Guess not. Anyways, the more I drank and watched The Daily Show the more I liked it. So I guess my point is that I really like the end of a bottle better than the beginning. Makes sense.

The man, the myth, the legend

So I give this beer tonight 6.9 out of 10 pumpkins. Eh. That’s all I’ve got on that. Time to face the music (metro) and attempt to put in some long hours of hard office labor before I take take some time off to move.






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