Hurricane Sandy Blog Post

Hello There!

Just as a reason for me not posting in a while, it’s because I haven’t had internet in a couple of days AND I moved into a new apartment this weekend AND then there is a scary storm so all of these things are scary and sad and I’m sorry.


So fine, it’s been hard to post when internet is non-existent. And I can’t very well bring my beers to work because:

1. Not an alcoholic

2. #1

3. Too heavy

But tonight, the night of Hurricane Sandy and the night where power could go out at any moment. It’s basically living real life YOLO. My first pumpkin ale of the night is Williamsburg Alewerks so you KNOW it’s going to get me drunk.

my best friends

I liked Williamsburg Alewerks Pumpkin Ale. It’s spicy and light enough to be able to drink 6 of them without feeling terribly ill. And I find that’s the only thing you really need from a beer originating in Williamsburg.

I give this beer 6 out of 10 pumpkins. Whatever its another 6, at least its not a 4.

My NEXT beer of the evening will be Schafly Pumpkin Ale, and I’m really excited about since I’ve heard about it. And the internet never lies, so there’s that.

Today in NY. TYPICAL.

Schlafly Pumpkin Ale is pretty popular amongst the blog o sphere, and so I bet I’ll give it a really high ranking. But also Hurricane Sandy, let’s talk about this. It’s windy as everything and our glass windows are leaking. We have internet working at the moment and the television is still on, but at ANY MOMENT it could become a crisis where the tv goes out and I have to start talking to real life human beings. Horror.

the horror

So yeah I don’t want to have to bond with people. Let’s hope Sandy hits every single apartment building in Arlington besides mine.

Anyways Schafly is just going down really well, pretty spicy but not so much. I’m going really quickly since the internet could cop out at any moment, so I’m just going to rate this one as a 9 out of 10 pumpkins and call it a day.






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